Our Mission

Our Mission

BRS Party Australia

BRS Party Australia was founded on June 4th, 2016, in Australia under the visionary leadership of @kalvakuntla Kavitha MLC, who also holds the esteemed position of Chairman for the Global BRS chapter. As an official chapter of BRS Party, Australia plays a pivotal role in extending the party’s mission and achievements to an international audience.

Our dedicated chapter serves as a strong arm of the party in India, diligently carrying forward its policies and accomplishments on the global stage. We are unwaveringly committed to ensuring that our programs and events make a significant contribution to the progress and growth of the party in India.

With the dedication of disciplined individuals, we work tirelessly as committed soldiers to attract investments from Australia to our home state, thereby nurturing increased employment opportunities and economic prosperity. Our aim is to bridge the gap and forge strong connections between Australia and our state for the betterment of both regions.